Un anciano multimillonario, contrata investigadores y científicos para que busquen la formula de la Inmortalidad, hasta que una antropóloga, encuentra vestigios en una civilización antigua, en la que existe una leyenda sobre mutaciones genéticas de un antiguo Chaman y según la leyenda, el Chaman todavía vive hasta que pueda traspasar sus poderes a su Successor, quien será Inmortal. Copyright.
An old multimillionaire, hires investigators and scientists to look for the formula of the Immortality, until an anthropologist finds vestiges in an old civilization, where a legend exists on the genetic mutations of an old Chaman and according to the legend. The Chaman lives until it can pass over his powers to his Successor who will be Immortal. Copyright.
An old multimillionaire, hires investigators and scientists to look for the formula of the Immortality, until an anthropologist finds vestiges in an old civilization, where a legend exists on the genetic mutations of an old Chaman and according to the legend. The Chaman lives until it can pass over his powers to his Successor who will be Immortal. Copyright.
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